Student Org Calendar (SoCal)
Our innovative Student Org Calendar (SoCal) is both a mobile minute-by-minute updated Google Calendar of student events. SoCal also serves as student activities funding from the MSA and Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association (WMAA).
To subscribe to UWSMPH SoCal or to learn how to request funding from MSA/WMAA, please click on the link below.
Frequently Asked Concerns Triaged
The link will only work if you have previously logged into your Google Account. Otherwise, clicking the link will result in an error!
Do not download the ICS file for your calendar. This event list file will not keep your calendar in sync or updated. If unsure what this means, click the button above for detailed instructions.
If you just downloaded an ICS file, STOP - you're doing it (very) wrong and you will NOT receive updates. Many people make this mistake with calendars. Instead, you should paste the URL to the ICS into "Subscribe to Calendar" in your appropriate calendar app (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar or Microsoft Outlook calendar) without downloading anything.
Active Student Organizations
There are 52 active student organizations this year. Below is the list of all organizations that have been active in the past years. Click on the button to access individual org pages!
Groups (A-F)
Allergy and Immunology Interest Group (AIIG)
Allied United for Health
American Medical Association Medical Student Section
Anesthesiology Interest Group (AIG)
Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA)
Bamforth House Interhouse Council (Bamforth IHC)
Basketball Interest Group
Biomedical Informatics Interest Group (BIIG)
Cardiology Interest Group (CIG)
Catholic Medical Association Students Section
Christian Medical Association (CMA)
Coda Blue
Dermatology Interest Group (DIG)
Disability Advocacy Coalition in Medicine
Doctors Ought To Care (DOC)
Emergency Medicine Interest Group (EMIG) / Emergency Department Ambassador Program
Families and Nontraditional Students
Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG), UW-Madison Chapter
Future Physicians Futbol Club (FPFC), UWSMPH
Groups (G-M)
Genetic Medicine Interest Group
Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS)
Golf Interest Group
Gunderson House Interhouse Council (Gunderson IHC )
Healthcare Quality Improvement & Innovation Interest Group
Jewish Medical Student Association
Infectious Diseases Interest Group (IDIG)
Integrative Medicine Interest Group (IMIG)
Internal Medicine Interest Group
Interventional Radiology Interest Group
Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) UW Students United for Latino Health (UNIDOS)
McPherson House Interhouse Council (McPherson IHC)
Medical Education Interest Group (MEIG)
MEDiC Student Run Free Clinics
Medical Humanities Interest Group (MHIG)
Medical Student Association (MSA)
Medical Student Ethics Committee
Medical Students for Choice (MSFC) - UWSMPH Chapter
Medical Students for Minority Concerns (MSMC)
Medical students Offering Maternal Support (MOMS)
Medical Writing Interest Group (MWIG)
Mentorship Achievement Program (MAP)
Groups (N-R)
Nephrology Interest Group
Neuroscience Interest Group (NSIG)
Obstetrics and Gynecology Interest Group
Oncology Student Interest Group (OSIG)
Ophthalmology Interest Group (OPIG)
Orthopedics Interest Group (OIG)
Otolaryngology Interest Group (ENTIG)
Palliative Care Student Interest Group (PalliSIG)
Partners in Health | Engage, UW-Madison Chapter
Pathology Interest Group
Pediatric Interest Group (PIG)
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Group (PM&R)
Plastic Surgery Interest Group
Promoting Recognition of Identity, Dignity, and Equality (PRIDE) in Healthcare
Psychiatry Student Interest Group
Radiology Interest Group (RIG)
Rural Health Interest Group (RHIG)
Groups (S-W)
Sleep Medicine Interest Group
South Asian Medical Student Association
Sports Medicine Interest Group (SMIG)
Students for a National Health Program
Medical Students for a Sustainable Future at UW-Madison
Student National Medical Association (SNMA)
Substance Abuse and Addiction
Surgery Interest Group (SIG)
Technology, Entrepreneurship Changing Healthcare (TECH)
Teaching Health and Reinforcing Inclusivity Volunteer Experiences (THRIVE)
Urology Interest Group
Vascular Surgery Interest Group (VSIG)
Wilderness Medicine Interest Group (WMIG)
Wisconsin Medical Students for Change
Women In Medicine (WIM)